Let Yourself be the Creator of Your Own Bobblehead!

The 21st century world is full of new, innovative, crazy yet extremely funny and adventurous ideas. As the life is becoming increasingly tough and busy, one has to get oneself entertained one way or the other. Sometimes you might want to knock your head off when you are annoyed with yourself or you have committed some blunder. Well here is the perfect thing for you; your own bobblehead. Now you can knock your head off anytime you like and here is the best part; you won’t get hurt.

If you are unaware of the word “Bobblehead” then you must be considering me mad or lunatic. Well actually it’s a pity really that you don’t even know it, I have to say that you must be leading a seriously bored and robotic life. Don’t get too upset now, it can be simply termed as nodder or the bobbing head doll. It’s like a toy with a head comparatively immensely large than the rest of the body like the story of Gulliver’s travel and as soon as you touch the head it starts bobbling because it is attached with a spring to the main body. The modern bobblehead all starts up in 1950s and 60s as the major league baseball got into the action but the trend went down in the 70s. It bounced back in the 90s as the San Francisco Giants distributed 35,000 bobbleheads in one of their matches in 1999.

The more interesting thing is that now you can do it the way you like, means that you can yourself design or create your own bobblehead. Well you can know better that how you will look the funniest so depend on others, let’s do it yourself. The only limitation in this whole thing is now your imagination. Let your thoughts ride free so that you can yourself work out the best possible bobblehead. What are you waiting for now? Grab a pen and paper and carve out your dream bobblehead with your own hands and let your thoughts describe you.





Our Custom Bobbleheads online store http://www.likenessme.com

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