Bobbleheads have fun

bobbleheads have loads of fun but the fun does not end just because you bought your bobbleheads, now you do not know what to do with! So, what kind of fun, mischievous, you can find a shake of the head with your special friends?

Your teacher, that is. Whenever your teacher to get up to speak, shook his head in the head move. Be sure to annoy your teacher, but can also be doing a great gift for Teacher Appreciation day. Try to make them coincide, your teacher will not mind the joke quite a lot.

These are just a silly prank, you can play your teacher to focus on a few examples of this year. First, they are very safe, so you end up not to hurt anyone’s feelings. Second, you do not have to use specific bobbleheads prank. Third, they apply to all age groups from primary school to university. Fourth, your teacher might like it if they have any sense of humor.

If not, then, smiling, and they are a good mood the day of testing. bobbleheads is the perfect prank, just be careful not to be malicious or cruel and playing practical jokes.

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